OMG it’s IoT!

A look at the Internet of Things and cabin air filtration

Cars are increasingly becoming computers on wheels.

The Internet of Things (IoT) has captured the imagination of vehicle manufacturers and is making cabin air filtration solutions for vehicles even more exciting.

It wasn’t that long ago that cars were only used to get from A to B. Well, that’s not quite true. Cars have always been objects of desire: a combination of aesthetic forms and fascinating technical detail. But technology is constantly changing: 50 years ago, people marveled at mechanics, then it was practical electronic features, and now an exciting digital world has opened up.

Part of this new world is the Internet of Things. It enables physical and virtual objects to communicate with each other, exchange data and thus work together. Autonomous driving is one example that can be realized through the interplay of sensors, processors, software and other components.

As IoT advances, new opportunities are emerging for cars — let’s share some thoughts on how cabin air filtration might evolve.

To each their air

Someone who suffers from allergies driving a short distance alone has different demands of cabin air than five basketball players driving home right after a hotly contested game. Basically, filtration solutions will become even more efficient in the future. But they will also be more adaptable to individual needs. It is conceivable that shared vehicles could have different air profiles with the current driver able to choose the most suitable one. Another advantage of IoT is that a car will be able to recognize when it is in a tunnel or a traffic jam and automatically adjust the air circulation accordingly.

Smart, sustainable filters

The greater the air pollution outside the car, the greater the filter performance required to achieve a defined level of purity. In the future, a filter will operate in a kind of economy mode when air quality is good and provide the exact performance necessary for the desired air quality. The individual filter elements will monitor their status and let you know the best moment to change the filter. Such demand-oriented solutions will extend the service life of the filter elements, which will save valuable energy and improve sustainability.

A multi-sensory driving experience

The air freshener is dead, long live augmented reality. Once vehicles are fully autonomous and the occupants enjoy more freedom, entertainment systems will assume a more central role. Air could become a differentiating feature for such systems. It could be used to enhance music or a film with additional sensory experiences such as suitable temperatures or scents to make it even more exciting.

There are already clear signs that car manufacturers are consciously becoming technology corporations.

The increased focus on IoT in their models and their marketing is a reflection of this. What seems unthinkable today may soon become standard. But exactly what will find its way into new vehicles in the future is something that car manufacturers and our filtration specialists can already design.